
So it’s been about 5 years since I’ve updated my site!  I have worked on my resume website which needs updating also, and my church’s two different sites first using Joomla and now the new one with Wordpress, but I can’t seem to get my site past Microsoft Word!

I’ve set up our church with a new video system with money given by a very generous church member and some grants and funds from our church.  I even built the computer!  I have also been busy getting us hooked up to Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, just to name a few!

Having our new video ministry has opened up a lot of opportunities for our church to make some big technology advances!



My family’s great and the girls are growing like crazy as you can see… much faster than I thought.  Jessica is a freshman this year and Jadyn is in 6th grade.

My wife is now working for the Kerr County Auditor as an Assistant Auditor and is showing off her skills in Excel!  This is my 7th year as the Director of Music Ministries at the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church in Fredericksburg, Texas.  I worked at Trinity Baptist in San Antonio for 10 years and thought that would be my longest tenure anywhere, but the Fredericksburg Methodists may beat that!  I hope so, I love the people and the community even though it’s a bit of a drive!! 


Through the years of ministry God has been good to me and blest me with a place to serve him and some great kids, adults and families that I have come to love.  Part of the reason I want to have this website is to give those that have been a part of my life and ministry to check back and find some memories that might be a sign post to help you on your journey. 

With the advent of Facebook, we are much closer than before, but since I started this website back in 1996, I have collected a bunch of stuff that I haven’t deleted which you can see on the OLD PAGE.

Send me a note… God bless!



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