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I am attempting to write a brief history of my mom and dad, and their roots.  Much of this information I am just beginning to gather, and it will continue to grow as I can get my hands on it!

The school picture from Huntington High School probably mid 1930's judging from the youthful appearance of my dad, Herman Don Doss, who is the little guy in the white shirt on the third row, second in from the left side. huntingtonhigh1.jpg (159041 bytes)
dadnewsa.jpg (84040 bytes) A 1940 newsclip of the BYPF (Baptist Young People's Fellowship) leadership organization.  Dad was very active in the youth work at First Baptist Church of Guyandotte, in Huntington, West Virginia.
This is my mom (Nettie Lou Chaffee) and dad around 1942.  They were married in Spokane, Washington while he served in the Army Air Force from 1940 to 1945. momndad.gif (66938 bytes)
guam01a.gif (353695 bytes) Herman (Bud) Doss served as a Tech Supply Sergeant for the 307th Bomb Group, the 11th Bomb Group and the 30th Bomb Group.  His assignments continually moved him to many different locations in the South Pacific. 
bombersarticle.gif (231229 bytes) The news article on the left is a good summary of the first five years of the 11th Bomb Group, in which my father served the latter three.  These photos were taken on the 5th Anniversary of the 11th Bomb Group while stationed on Guam, with a visit from then Major General Robert W. Douglass, Jr. of the 7th Air Force.  The 11th Headquarters was under the leadership of Col. Russell J. Waldron.

Sorry... I've got more coming - but this is enough for now!!

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