Welcome to the Mainstream Photo Album...
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The Chairs

The People!

Officers in-charge! Rhett, Amy & Morgan figuring out who works where and setting up lunch schedules.

Brooke, Erin and Rebecca learn how to say ``I am pretty!"

Uhmmm... enough said.... Lora and Therin.

Sponsor help and ex-´streamers jump in to help in many ways.

Unfortunately, we didn´t get a picture of the thing that Mainstream is known for... that is `throwing chairs´... a line of as many as thirty students that throw chairs to each other from the truck to the street.  But you can see the `chain & chalk´ that is done after the chairs are set up... Alisa is about to get dirty, Kyle is figuring out how to do it, and Mary Alice is getting after it!

In all, each student works about 20 hours. The first two loading the truck, then 8 at the Battle of Flowers Parade on Friday, 8 more Saturday night at the Flambeau Parade, then the last two unloading the truck.
During the parade, our group hangs out at the truck in the alley, or visits with the crowd like Paul.

This year's Winter Retreat was to Camp Zephyr where we worked on music we would perform for the Associational Festival, and looking ahead at summer music - joining in a great study on prayer... and spending the afternoon on some high elements!!!

These scenes may look familiar to some of you... but they aren't from last year's Mo Ranch trip... Zephyr's pole beckoned some of the group just as it did at Mo - and it was just a grueling to master.

The last year of Trinity's Living Christmas Tree began with Shannon & Dustin and their dialogue that opened We're on Our Way to Grandma's.  Great job y'all!!

Once the song began... the stage crew and the others out in the crowd really got into the fun of  getting each audience of 2,000 warmed up!! Well we opened up our presents right away... WRONG SIZE!!

Mainstream sang on their own during each of the ten performances the traditional version of 'Carol of the Bells'!

Many, many, many thanks to a huge support crew that makes events like this year's Grandma's Christmas Dinner a great success!  Many adults are not shown here, but the few that we caught in this photo are Charles & Pam McGuire, Joe V. & Shannon (not parents), Ginny Vandertulip, Janet Little (Food Manager) and Don Vandertulip!  THANKS Y'ALL!!

Both Mainstream and Reflections sang together for a special Student Ministry emphasis on Sunday, October 4, 1998.  The combined choirs sang "Jesus Will Still Be There" for both the 8:00 and 11:00 Worship times.

The Summer of 1998 began with a visit from the youth choir of First Baptist Church of Nashville.  We joined together with them to sing for the ordination of Jeff Simmons to the gospel ministry.  The day before, they went with us to our Mission locations for the Cross Culture project, and shared with us at a Praise service that evening at Harlandale Baptist Church.

Mainstream divided it's basic two weeks of mission work into two parts this past Summer.  The first part was the 'in-town' Cross Culture week, and the second was the bus trip to back to Metarie, Louisiana - and to Panama City Beach, Florida.  The youth of Metarie Baptist Church came to spend a week with us in San Antonio - so we returned the visit and performed the musical "This Love" with them in their church.  The reason to go to Panama City Beach was to be, once again, with the youth group from First Baptist Church of Nashville on their first day of camp on the beach - then to just chill with each other and hang out on the beautiful white beach!

Of course, under the insistance of  our hosts in Metarie, which is actually just part of  New Orleans, we did go with them to visit the places that make New Orleans unique.  We did a quick walk to Bourbon Street (above), going by Jackson Square (left) and visiting the French Market for about an hour. We had a great time because we went with the Metarie students and just enjoyed their

There's nothing like the white sand beaches of the Florida panhandle.  Monday afternoon we arrived to join the FBC Nashville group in some recreation on huge inflatable equipment.  It was a lot of fun to be with the Nashville youth once again, and visit with an old friend Chris Rice!  We really appreciate the work done by Jeff Simmons, Nashville's Youth Minister and a former Associate Youth Minister at Trinity!

Definitely a highlight of the week was our last night's dinner cruise aboard the Lady Anderson, a very nice-sized yacht with some incredible food!  Everyone dressed up for the evening, and we did some sharing about the year together, told our seniors how much we loved them and will miss them... and had an incredible time of worship on the upper deck where a good many of the cruise customers that were inside listening to a gospel concert ventured out to the beautiful view outside and listened to our praise to the Lord - which we didn't know about until some of them told us as we were docking later!

Rare photographs of the Great White Shark who tracked us from Summer Camp in Louisiana.  Either he was being the ultimate comedian and hanging out with Shannon for some strange reason, or he was scaring unsuspecting   people like poor Rhett.

A Happy Bus!  Time to finally head for home after so much fun together!  Rob, Jonathon, Dustin (front), Aaron (above) and Wesley settle in for a nice leisurely return to San Antonio!  Lunch in Mobile, Dinner in Shreveport... and in bed at home - at last!!

Mainstream 1997-98 was led by some pretty great Seniors.  Pictured here are the Senior officers which worked hard to make last year one of the best.  Janiece, Amanda, Jennifer, Alyson, Shae and Josh... Thanks for a great year!!

THIS LOVE - a youth musical about the everlasting love of Jesus Christ...
Written by Amanda Brown, Don Doss, Joe Gerfers, Rhett Henckel and Alyson Leas

Avery, the main character of this drama, starts her day with a talk to the Lord, promising that she is dedicated to 'struggle' to live the kind of life that will show people his love through her actions.

Unforuntely,  Avery has a bad day at school and gets into arguments with her good friends, alienating them from her influence.  She does what she can to salvage the relationships, but things keep getting worse.

At a party, she and her friend Michele talk about her friends home problems and what she can do to help.  Again, things go bad when she has a fight with her boyfriend D'rik.

Later that night, after Avery falls asleep angry at the Lord for such a bad day, she dreams that Jesus, called 'J.C.' comes to her in the form of a school friend.  In the song 'This Love', the question is asked by her, "how am I supposed to show all these people that I know that you are real, you are here, and I can feel lyou movin inside me?"   J.C. answers her by going through a day with her and her friends at school so she will see how each one is effected by by her life.

Avery is awakened by a phone call in the middle of the night that her friend Toby has been shot and is in the hospital.  In the waiting room, she and her other friends find out that even though Toby has died, he has an eternal life with the Lord.

Having a renewed sense of wanting to tell her friends about Jesus, Avery tells them about her commitment to the Lord, and then sings the Finale with Rick and Michele and the choir - "Everlasting Love!"   The musical is available through Trinity Baptist Church on CD for those interested in knowing more about it.

Mainstream has played an important role in the last three year's Living Christmas Trees. This past year they followed Reflections and sang a fast gospel version of Joy to the World while Reflections were busy with choreography in the aisles.

The Summer of 1997's Mission Trip was an incredible experience in New Jersey & New York! We got to know some super new friends ours in Madison, Flanders, Freehold, Howell, Flemington, and Aberdeen! Well, actually these were the townships where the Churches that we worked with were located, the students lived everywhere in Northern New Jersey! Our 'teams' worked together going through our ONE HEART materials that was written by our Minister with Students, Jim Graham - along with the Billy Graham LIFE & WITNESS curriculum.

We saw some beautiful sights, like this unexpected low-ceiling view of Manhattan across the Hudson from Hoboken. A fine end to a busy day around Times Square.  We completed the impossible by performing the Dream of Skip, an alternative Christian musical written by Barry Brake... and covered brand-new territory by doing a misson project that had never been tried. Great things will always happen when you put God first and look to him for your direction and leadership.  Oh yeah, the guy in the picture on the front right laying down in the middle of the street with jeans and a T-shirt... that's Batman, aka Juan Frachi from Paraguay - WE MISS YOU!!!

Two Summer's ago, Mainstream travelled to Miami for our Summer Mission Project. We worked primarily in the downtown public housing unit under the supervision of the TML... Touching Miami with Love Ministries, a Mission ministry of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.