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Winter IN-TOWN Retreat took place at the AmeriSuites on 281, and the San Antonio Baptist Association offices on I-10.  We had a great group... lots of fun AND lots of work.  We previewed the musical that we need to learn for this summer, and worked a bunch on the music we would sing for Sunday morning worship at Trinity.

Yes... lots of work was done - but in between the sectionals and large group rehearsals... we had some 'rest' time.  And if you believe that they really rested... we got some ranch land down in the bayous partner!

Good times - Kyle and Matt do a 'king of the world' routine on a lightpole... and Jacy's friends are about to let her down.  Preparation for this Summer is underway, and the group is excited about working with our Primera Bautista de Alamo friends!

Singing and dancing (creative movment) on stage with a 40 piece full orchestra in front, Reflections really works hard during the ten performances and gets huge audience appreciation for the 'jitterbug'!!  Many of the audience clapped along, and a few actually got up and started their own version of the 50's movements!!

This is the official photo of the big finish of Celebrating Jesus.  This year's Reflections did an incredible job of learning the music and choreography in record time!!!

Look closely... this isn't the same group - nope, this was the 'original' Reflection's Celebrating Jesus six years ago!  These 7th graders are now Seniors, many in Mainstream.  They joined in on the very last night of the Tree.

The 1998-99 Reflections choir officially got   underway on our Fall Retreat to HEB Foundation Camp in the Texas Hill Country near Leakey, Texas.  This is without a doubt one of the most beautiful camp grounds in Texas, and because of the huge gift given by Howard E. Butt, Sr. many years ago, the land will continue to operate and be maintained without charging incoming camping groups for many years still to come.  Our retreat was held at the largest of the 6 camp grounds on the HEB Foundation, Echo Valley... and you can see why it is named that with high rock cliffs surrounding the valley on the other side of the Frio!!

Besides working in musical rehearsals on several songs that we did perform for a conference at Laity Lodge, we also introduced out new 7th graders to the Discovery notebooks and One Heart discipleship materials. The One Heart was taught by Brent Warren and our Junior High Intern staff.

They led both small groups and large group times, and Shae Freeman and Amy White helped to introduce Reflections to this year's LCT choreography of 'Celebrating Jesus'..  One of the important goals of this retreat was to have fun together and begin to enjoy being around each other.  We reached that goal!!

Play time was just as important as work time... and the beautiful surroundings and perfect weather helped that to happen.  With two certified lifeguards among our staff (Josh in the white shirt), the group took to the water with a passion!  Several had a little too much passion and the canoes went belly up!

Without the incredible help of Doe Braswell and our sponsors and moms that went with us, this experience wouldn't have been as good as it was.   Reflections '98-'99

is in great shape, thanks to this memorable experience at the Fall Retreat.  We took 38 students, and 13 staffers & sponsors - that's the largest group we have had for a Reflections fall retreat...  and the year in front of us likewise will be one of the most memorable we've ever had!