
You get a surprise if you click on the pictures!

All of our group who has been on every mission trip since their 7th grade Reflections year have said... and I agree... that our trip to Salt Lake City was without a doubt the very best.  As best as I can tell, the reason is because we were used by God in a more obvious way... one that we could see every step was the result of God´s hand at work. From the Block Parties to the VBS´s to the Food Drop... even the dinner up at Alta - our Lord made himself so near to us in 


what we did, that when the Mormon missionaries asked us if we could `feel´ peace, we could literally feel God at work.  The main project we were called to do was the Block Party, actually six of them, to get the word out about new churches that were being started in each of the locations.  They involved a stage, sound gear, and choral songs, ensembles, dance and drama.  An hour and a half  `variety´ show that we repeated, making the entertainment three hours.  Folks from the neighborhood would come out and get a hotdog and chips and queso (yes, even in SLC) and then sit and listen to whatever was happening on stage at that point.

Above you´ll see the Red Sea Pedestians... Aaron´s bazooka and Rhetts light saber, both from their drama ``Stories of Faith"...
then Kyle, Jon and Eric in ``The Stoners Club", a funny drama about the woman caught in adultery...
Mary Alice dances...
and Morgan sings with Rhett accompanying and Aaron turning pages.

Most of the Block Parties were well attended, and at each new church start the pastor was able to pick up more than 20 names of people who were willing to talk about either how to become a Christian, or wanting information about the new church.  Of course... the big job is AFTER the show when we have to put it all back into the Bright truck.  Never seen a snake look as good as that one Rebecca and Tiana!

Our first location to work in was the Pleasant View addition north of Ogden.  They are growing a brand new congregation in this area that has nothing but LDS wards. We were aided by the Mountain View Baptist Church in Layton, where we also were able to sing for them in their Sunday Morning worship time.  Besides the Block Parties, our students also provided four simultaneous mini-VBS´s in backyards and parks and apartment complexes.  We were at four different locations for two days... each one hosted by someone who didn´t belong to a Baptist congregation.  At the end of our time together, we spend most of the first Thursday enjoying the company of our new friends at the Lagoon Amusement Park.   We met some really great people who very much enjoyed our students and their work and enthusiasm. Some of those kids and the youth of Mountain View Baptist also joined us at Lagoon... check out the happy faces!
One of the most memorable experiences was getting to be the very first group to stand at the location of the new church in Eagle Mountain, a brand new town springing up Southwest of Salt Lake City.  We sang and prayed, making it the first worship time at the site... worthy of a picture in the new building, right John?

Play time after the Food Drop... dinner at Wagonmaster Steak Company.  We had a great meal, and topped off the evening with a Spurs National Championship!!

One of the most moving and for sure the toughest work we did was to handle the Food Drop at the Baptist Concern Center.  We wanted to get there early Friday morning before the people showed up, but even being an hour early, there were hundreds of needy people already in line to begin the long process of registation.  Food had to first be unloaded from the trailer and stacked, then seperated into individual lots, and delivered to the people.  There were about 350 families served on that day, along with the children of those families that were given another VBS opportunity on the other side of the trailer.

The next day the BCC got a brand new paint job.  Thanks to Acme Lumber for 13 gallons of white Coronodo, we were able to give the ol BCC a really nice shine that will last 13 years!  Check out the before and after shots...



No visit to Salt Lake is complete until you have taken in the heart of Mormon country, Temple Square.  But... before you go, you need to study and read up about several fairly important truths of God´s kingdom... first - there is only one God, period.  You will not ever become a God in eternity.  Our highest goal in his creation is to praise him unendingly for his majesty and glory, not run our own little planet somewhere.  Next, it doesn´t take secret handshakes, special underwear and a temple recommend (membership card) to know God´s care and love.  John 3:16 says it all.  Oh, and Native Americans are decendant from Asian tribes, they´re not Hebrews.

The special joys of the Utah experience was to see Bethany and Katherine play with snow for the first time in their lives...  see God´s elect students share a special time with each other in our last meal together at Alta... be with probably the most gifted group of Seniors to have ever graced Trinity Baptist... and have the honor to be associated with the most beautiful group of students ever... Mainstream 98-99 - God watch over all of you!