Mainstream is Trinity's High School Choir, composed of 9th through 12th grade students. The choir meets at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon in Room E-210 in the Education building.


The choir's purpose is to proclaim the message of hope and joy that comes through knowing the life-changing power found in Jesus Christ, and to step out into the world to be messengers of that truth.

Check out Mainstream's calendar , news, history and photo album to learn a little more about this group. Mainstream works throughout the year in mission projects, but the biggest project is the Summer Mission Trip. Last Summer's project was to Salt Lake City... the year before that was Cross Culture and involved work right here in San Antonio. The previous Summer trip was to the New Jersey / New York City area.

We're looking forward to this year with all of the opportunities for service it holds... and in what way the Lord directs our path for next Summer's mission project.  We do dedicate our choir to spread God's message to our friends that need His love.

A Little Mainstream History...

Mainstream began actually as the Chapel Choir, and Reflections likewise was called the Concord Choir.  Under the leadership of Leroy Yarborough in the Summer of 1962, both choirs took off on their first 'away' trip to Corpus Christi with their last stop being Harlandale Baptist Church in San Antonio.

Ten years later, just before a trip to Mexico City - the Chapel Choir became 'Mainstream'